introduces a quick and easy way to earn money by simply referring friends, family, co-workers and acquaintances who owns a website to join our publishers program.
# This program allows you to earn a percentage of what your (indirect and direct) referrals make in addition to your own earnings.
# As you refer more people the commision you receive increases proportionately. There is no limit on the number of people you can refer and in this case the more the better.
# Direct Referrals are those members who sign up due to your personal recommendation, while Indirect Referrals are those members who sign up through the direct referrals.
# The network becomes even larger when your indirect referrals refer even more people to our program. When these people sign up, they become your indirect referrals as well.
# This series of referrals expands up to 5 levels deep, and there is no limit to the total number of people you can have in your network. It can be as wide as you make it.
# Each direct referral will earn you 10% of their total earnings; this is Level One in the referral structure.
Level Two are those members who have been referred to us through Level One members. You will earn 5% of their earnings on top of your own earnings. You will earn 2% from Level Three referrals, 2% from Level Four referrals and 1% of Level Five referrals and remember the more members referred the more you will earn.
# The current commision of advertising revenues members receive is 50%. Bonus commision are based solely on earnings made from referrals.
The current referral structure is as follows:
# Level One (direct referrals) =10%
# Level Two (indirect referrals) = 5%
# Level Three (indirect referrals) = 2%
# Level Four (indirect referrals) = 2%
# Level Five (indirect referrals) = 1%
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